Das Studio

Das Studio
Naming Strategy / Branding & Identity / Illustration
Identity for kin
The brief for this project in the architecture and property space involved consulting on the naming strategy, developing an identity design and a series of illustrations for kin, a new ‘Rent Now, Buy Later’ pathway into the housing market by Das Studio. The contemporary take on apartment living that kin offers is built on a belief in the value of thoughtful design and the ethos of keepin’ it neighbourly.
Our solution projects an attitude of relaxed warmth, promotes inclusivity and portrays quality architecture to a millennial / zillennial audience. Naomi’s series of five illustrations individually and collectively capture a sense of the lifestyle that a kin community represents, perfect for rolling out as a billboard or poster campaign.
Working hand in hand with the architects and their team to ensure we delivered communication that was on point for their target demographic was an energising process. We look forward to seeing the architectural side of the project as it develops!